Qatar asks players to pack up stadiums before they leave — The Shovel

Qatar asks players to pack up stadiums before they leave

"We won't be using them"

The Qatari Government says it is the responsibility of the remaining World Cup players to pack up the stadiums once they’ve finished with them, given Qatar will never use them again.

“We went to the trouble of setting them all up for you, we’ve been good enough to allow you to leave them set up for the past six weeks, now it’s time to pack them away,” a Qatari Government official said.

The official reminded players not to leave any little pieces of the stadium lying around for people to step on. “I don’t want to come back next week and see a screw or a grandstand just left there. So have a good look before you leave”.

The stadiums will be put in storage before they are brought out again for the Qatari Winter Olympics.

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