Elon Musk seen desperately refreshing algorithm to try to filter out boos from crowd — The Shovel

Elon Musk seen desperately refreshing algorithm to try to filter out boos from crowd

Elon Musk was spotted frantically trying to update the algorithm for his live appearance with Dave Chappelle last night, in a desperate attempt to filter out the real-time negative feedback from the crowd.

Attendees at the event said Musk was shouting hysterically from stage as he typed on his phone. “I’ve blocked all of the people booing me but I can still hear them – what’s going on!?” he screamed.

“Can we get some devs onto this right now to filter out the mean things people are shouting out about me? Who’s working on this update? I can’t stand it! I can hear them booing! Make it stop! Why isn’t this fixed yet?” Musk cried, as Chappelle looked on, confused.

Musk said he had never had to deal with something like this before. “I’ve now suspended everyone in the stadium. Why are they still here? Why are they still able to boo me? Please, install the update now! I don’t want to hear this”.

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