Lions return to enclosure after realising cost of housing in Sydney — The Shovel

Lions return to enclosure after realising cost of housing in Sydney

Five lions who broke out of Taronga Zoo have returned to their enclosure after they discovered the cost of getting a one-bedroom knockdown in the outer suburbs would set them back over a million dollars.

“We looked at a few places within our price range, quickly realised that they had less facilities than our cage at Taronga, and so we legged it back as quickly as we could,” one of the lions told journalists.

The lions said they had wanted to look at other places because they were unhappy with the conditions in their enclosure. “There’s mud everywhere, food scraps on the floor, no proper toilet, bars on the fences. And that was actually one of the better places we looked at in the inner-West. We now realise we’ve got it pretty good back here”.

Another lion in the group said she didn’t like having people staring and shouting at her all day. “Which is why I quickly ruled out the CBD and Kings Cross. It’s good to be home”.

Headline by Luke Stanley

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