“The British pound is nosediving. Here’s why Meghan Markle is to blame," by The Daily Mail — The Shovel

“The British pound is nosediving. Here’s why Meghan Markle is to blame,” by The Daily Mail


Two weeks ago Meghan Markle landed in London for the Queen’s funeral. Nine days later, the pound crashed to its lowest ever level, sending financial markets into meltdown. Coincidence? Hardly.

Some have blamed Liz Truss’s tax cuts. But what’s the more likely cause of a currency meltdown – a huge, unexpected injection of extra cash into the economy during a time of out-of-control inflation, or an entitled mix-raced film star holding hands with her husband? That’s a rhetorical question.

When it comes to pinpointing the causes of the pound’s fall, two things become immediately clear: one, Meghan didn’t show nearly enough emotion in the days leading up to the Queen’s funeral; two, she showed way too much during the funeral itself. No wonder financial markets were confused.

The pure arrogance of the woman. Not content with trying to Americanise the British monarchy, she has tried to Americanise our currency – almost at parity, the two are barely distinguishable from each other now. That will be Meghan’s legacy.

And yet people want to blame the actions of our new Prime Minister – a white woman just trying to do her job. Sure, trickle-down economics may have been the cause of entrenched poverty, increased inequality and the rapid disintegration of essential public services, but at least it didn’t wear an ugly hat to the funeral of a British monarch.

One can only hope that, with Meghan now safely out of the country again, the pound will rebound. If it does, it will be because Kate Middleton knows how to hold herself in public.

Written by James Schloeffel, Headline idea by @PersiaPhotos

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