Dutton slams Albo, says ‘gangs of youth’ should be locked up in indefinite detention — The Shovel

Dutton slams Albo, says ‘gangs of youth’ should be locked up in indefinite detention

Peter Dutton has slammed Anthony Albanese for being photographed with gangs of youth in an inner western Sydney venue last night, saying bands of criminals would be rounded up and placed on Christmas Island if he was in charge.

“I have heard the reports of Mr Albanese’s whereabouts last night and I condemn them,” Dutton said.

“It is highly inappropriate for a Prime Minister of this country to be associating with criminal riff-raff. You put Labor in charge for one minute and all of a sudden gangs of youth are running unchecked through Sydney entertainment venues, being treated like rock stars”.

He said people in Sydney were scared. “From what I’ve heard you can’t go out to a restaurant in Sydney anymore because of these gangs. I assume they’re of African descent”.

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