Sydney’s international terminal will be renamed ‘The Scott Morrison Memorial Terminal’, to honour the former Prime Minister’s favourite activity: disappearing during a disaster.
A spokesperson for the Liberal Party said it would be a fitting tribute for a man who loved to get away from it all. “He knew this terminal like the back of his hand. When things got a little bit tough, he’d come here to escape. It was definitely one of his favourite spots”.
It is the second Prime Minister the Liberal Party has lost to unforeseen circumstances. Scott Morrison entered into the election in Canberra in April of 2022 but failed to come out again, prompting a desperate search for answers.
A spokesperson for the PMO said while he was known for his disappearances during national crises, something about this one felt different “He loved travelling and was often seen taking a flight during a national disaster. But we suspect he won’t be back after this one.”
By Matt Harvey @mattharveystuff