Labor to blame for election loss: Morrison — The Shovel

Labor to blame for election loss: Morrison

Scott Morrison says he isn’t to blame for his party’s election loss, putting the responsibility for the disappointing result squarely at the feet of the former opposition.

“Once again, as we’ve seen so many times before, Labor is responsible for this disaster,” Morrison said in a speech this morning.

“The loss that we’ve seen this weekend is the result of a sustained, deliberate effort by the Labor Party to unseat us,” he said.

Morrison, who has previously blamed the Labor Party for government debt levels, the failed federal government vaccination rollout and the Liberal Party’s Robotdebt program, said the culprit was clear.

“Throughout the election campaign we saw again and again that Labor really had one objective, and one objective only. And that was to orchestrate a Coalition loss. If you’re wondering why your local Liberal Party member is without a job today, well, that’s Labor’s fault”.

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