‘You Just Don’t Know What’s Inside The Vaccine’, Says Man Who Eats Meat Pie For Lunch Every Day — The Shovel

‘You Just Don’t Know What’s Inside The Vaccine’, Says Man Who Eats Meat Pie For Lunch Every Day

A man who eats a pastry sack filled with ground up pig snouts and cow tongues each day, says he’s not taking the vaccine because he is unsure about its ingredients.

Picking up a meat pie on the way to an anti-vaxxer protest, the man said he didn’t want to take any chances. “You just don’t know what they put in those vaccines,” he said, munching on the food item which is only legally required to have 25% meat, and could include muscle, connective tissue, nerves, blood or rind from any one of at least eight different animals.

Washing the pie the down with an iced coffee [milk, sugar, flavours, Vegetable Gum (402), Colour (150d), Stabaliser (407)] the man said he felt uncomfortable putting unknown vaccine chemicals in his body.

He said he would continue protesting after finishing his smoko break.

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