Brisbane 2032 Olympics To Welcome Athletes From Countries Right Across The Australia/New Zealand Travel Bubble — The Shovel

Brisbane 2032 Olympics To Welcome Athletes From Countries Right Across The Australia/New Zealand Travel Bubble

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk says the 2032 Brisbane Olympics – confirmed yesterday – will be a chance to welcome people from the entire Australasian region, provided the border with New Zealand is open at that particular time.

“This is our chance to open our arms to people from every corner of the travel bubble likely to still be in place by 2032,” Palaszczuk said.

“We will be welcoming athletes from far flung places like Auckland, Wellington, Melbourne, Hobart, Sydney – if the border is open by then – Cairns, Perth. Actually, probably not Perth, who are we kidding”.

She said, all going well, athletes from Singapore may also be able to compete. “The Olympic spirt knows no boundaries. But of course I mean that in a strictly metaphorical sense. In reality, the chances of us having our borders opened by 2032 are slim to fuck all”.

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