Aged Care Home Announces Plans To Build $500 Million War Memorial, In Order To Get Proper Government Funding — The Shovel

Aged Care Home Announces Plans To Build $500 Million War Memorial, In Order To Get Proper Government Funding

"It will include a meals area, lawn bowls rink, movie theatre and 4,000 residential rooms".

A nursing home in western Sydney will start work on a half-billion dollar upgrade of its existing war memorial, saying it was the best way to get proper funding from the federal government.

The government, which announced a $500 million upgrade of the Australian War Memorial in Canberra in 2019, has committed a lesser amount to the Aged Care sector, leading some facilities to take matters into their own hands.

A spokesperson for the Fairfield Nursing Home said the home’s existing war memorial – a small fountain in a courtyard – would be upgraded and extended to include a new kitchen, meals area, lawn bowls rink, games area, movie theatre and 4,000 residential rooms.

“It will be a beautiful, peaceful place for people to come to pay their respects, and then stay and live in proper conditions”.

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