Pornhub Launches New ‘Just Tucking In My Shirt’ Category — The Shovel

Pornhub Launches New ‘Just Tucking In My Shirt’ Category

Inspired by the antics of Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani, global porn website Pornhub has announced that it will launch a new category featuring racy videos of people ‘just tucking in their shirt’.

“We all love to ‘tuck our shirts in’ once in a while, if you know what I mean,” a spokesperson for the website said. “Who hasn’t been alone in a hotel room with a pretty girl and thought – ‘I might just lie back on the bed, put my hands down my pants and – you know – make sure my shirt is straight? It’s very normal”.

The spokesperson said there would be all sorts of videos of people tucking in their shirts. “We’ve got people tucking in their shirts in groups, people tucking in their shirts while others watch on, people tucking in their shirts for the first time.

“In one video a man comes around to clean the pool but then ends up tucking in his shirt instead. It’s pretty hot”.

The website said it had plans to launch new subcategories – including Quick Tucks, Group Tucks and Shirts I’d Like To Tuck.

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