Convenient ‘Shuttle Plane’ Service To Link Western Sydney Airport To City — The Shovel

Convenient ‘Shuttle Plane’ Service To Link Western Sydney Airport To City

Passengers arriving at the new Western Sydney Airport will be able to take advantage of a regular and affordable shuttle plane service into Sydney Airport, from where they’ll be able to link with public transport into the city.

Treasurer Scott Morrison said the new airport – which will be 1,000 km from Sydney’s CBD – was well suited to an air-shuttle service. “It’s an airport, so it’ll be well set up for air travel,” he said. “It’s an obvious choice when you think about it”.

He said the new service would be quick, convenient and modern. “People say it’s a long way from the city, but it’s only a 50 minute flight.

“Imagine flying in from Brisbane, arriving at Western Sydney airport, clearing security, jumping on a shuttle plane, and then arriving in Sydney. It’s very easy”.

He said an extra shuttle service to Melbourne was also being considered.

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