Hello! At some point in the past, in a moment of madness, you signed up to The Shovel. (Either that, or we got your details when we hacked the Democratic National Committee database – hi Hillary).
The thing is, because you signed up (or ‘followed’ us) via WordPress you may not be getting the best Shovel experience.
By signing up to our email database directly:
- You won’t be annoyed with multiple emails or alerts within the one day (we often group a few articles into the one email)
- We occasionally send additional content that you won’t get through WordPress
- The emails you get will look prettier
You can sign up directly here. You might want to then unfollow us on WordPress (unless you want to get our articles twice, which is entirely understandable).
If you can’t be arsed to change and you want to continue everything as is, that’s totally fine. Just do nothing.
Thanks for reading. The next thing you get from us will be funnier, we promise.
The Shovel – Subscriber Management Team, Mumbai, India