Putin Happy To Let Trump Do Day-to-Day Running Of US — The Shovel

Putin Happy To Let Trump Do Day-to-Day Running Of US

Just days before his inauguration, Vladimir Putin says he is pragmatic about his new role in the US, and is happy to let his man on the ground take care of everyday issues.

In a briefing to journalists, Mr Putin said he would take a ‘top-level view’ and set the overarching direction for the nation, but leave the implementation to his team in the US.

Mr Putin, who runs a number of other nations, said it was sufficient to oversee operations from his head office in Moscow, without the need to relocate to the smaller regional office of Washington. “With communications technologies these days, it’s very easy to influence things remotely. I’ve asked my staff to set up a weekly call with Mr Trump,” he said.

In his biggest role yet, Mr Trump will have responsibility for US domestic issues and for implementing the wider objectives of the Russian organisation. He will have bi-annual reviews to track his progress against a number of KPIs.

Trump supporters are exciting about the transition, saying that Mr Putin’s rise to the top was proof that, in the US, anyone can become president.

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