New Telstra Bundle Includes Five Free Outages A Month — The Shovel

New Telstra Bundle Includes Five Free Outages A Month

Saying it was its best mobile deal yet, Telstra has released a new plan that includes 10GB of data, $500 worth of calls and texts, and a whopping five full days of network downtime, all for just $75 a month.

And as a special promotional offer, those who sign up before the end of the month will get their first week without any access at all, totally free.

“It’s the little unexpected extras that make Telstra special,” a spokesperson for the brand said. “It could be a discounted movie ticket, bonus call credit, or an afternoon not being able to make contact with loved ones. At Telstra, it’s how we say ‘thanks’”.

He said customers interested in the deal could sign up online. “Or perhaps just send us a letter. That’s probably a better bet”.


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